Everything is going really great. I have been given a new positions at ZYTO. It has been really been pretty stressful but I am getting the hang of it I think. I have been given many opportunites here and I hope that I will make thoseproud who decided to give me a chance. :)
I have a new nephew!! Isnt he adorable. That is his daddy my little brother. Kylar looks so much like him. I can't wait to meet him in December!

The weather is getting colder here. There is snow on the mountains. Life is really really good. I found this poem that reminds me to be thankful.
I think You God for most this amazing day
I think You God for most this amazing day
For the leaping greenly spirits of trees
And a blue true dream of sky;
And for everything which is natural
Which is natural
Which is infinite
Which is yes
(i who hade died am alive again today,
And this is the sun's birthday
This is the birth day of like and of love and wings;
And of the gay great happening illumitably earth)
How should tasting touching hearing seeing
reathin any ~~lifted from the no
reathin any ~~lifted from the no
of all nothing~~human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?
(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)
e.e. cummings
I am so grateful to have what I do. For my friends and my family. Life is good :D
I am so grateful to have what I do. For my friends and my family. Life is good :D