Monday, December 12, 2011

Thirty Six Weeks!

Still baking here.

And to be perfectly honest, I'm done as mush as I can be. This post will probably be a litany of complaints just to warn you, I'm not a happy or comfortable camper. I have hit the thirty-six week wall hardcore. I am now contemplating begging the doctor to end my misery this Friday, though I don't have much hope that he will. Why is it so hard right now, I will tell you.

  • Constant heartburn in the afternoons. It hurts so much that my ears burn. Yep stomach acid is burning my Eustachian tubes. No bueno.
  • Very sore areas on my stomach. I have a spot that the babies love to kick that is just stretched to the max. It hurts when something brushes against it it hurts when Baby B's butt decides to burrow there, it just hurts constantly. Unfortunately this is the same spot that gets squished by all counters and tables.
  • I can hardly walk. It feels like I have a bowling ball trying to exit my pelvis, so I waddle and I'm slow. It hurts, have I mentioned that?

I am gonna stop right there because I don't want to come off as a sour Susan or anything like that. I am truly grateful for these girls I am just not sure there is much more room in my tummy for these blessings. I cannot wait to have them on the outside to snuggle, cuddle, and love!

Eight more days at the most folks! I'll try to update once more, but if not there will be a birth post soon.