Friday, January 22, 2010

And now we have video!!

Ok so this is Rory. I know this is strange but I was trying to get her to yell. She does a little and it's adorable. I will get better on the camera work! I promise!

Monday, January 18, 2010

20 Pounds Down!!

Wooohooo! I have officially lost 20 pounds! My diet is going well, I have to thank breastfeeding and my Wii Fit for providing me with the means to work off more calories.

Loralei and I are recovering from a cold. I can't stand being sick. This cold was a doozy. I wonder why I get so sick when I'm exposed to less germs being at home. It's really true kids are grubby little germ carriers. I read recently that scientists now believe that your appendix is used for a warehouse of sorts for your immune system. Maybe that's my problem! My immune system has no back up storage!

We went to the car show on Saturday to celebrate Ry's birthday. That boy better love me! 4.5 hours of looking at cars with a cold. We found some cars that we really like tho. We really like the Chevy Traverse. It's really roomy and the seats fold down like a breeze. The next our list is the Ford Explorer but their seats are really tough to get down and behind. There's like 3 steps and I don't think any child would bother with all three steps. The Chevy Traverse is also a good bit cheaper and really nice inside. I would love for that to be my next car.

Here are some pictures that I haven't posted.