Wednesday, May 23, 2012

And I actually thought I could post regularly...

McGraw Family April 2012

We are still alive!  Life with twins has been a beautiful busy disastrous blessing.  Working from home while good intentioned was so much more than I could handle and keep up this blog,  Here's a quick run down of life.  (In no particular order)

Loralei is three!  However cliche, it feels like life started with her birth.  She is a beautiful bright little sprite of a girl, who seems to make our world go round.  We celebrated her birth with a bbq and a candy cake which was a big hit.

Family pictures!!  The pics for this post is brought to you by Camera Shy in Lehi.  The best deal I have found and the whole experience was fun.  They really captured the spirits of my little ones and it was a relatively painless process.

The twins were blessed in March.  Their father gave each girl a beautiful and unique blessing that I love to look back upon.  It was such a beautiful and sacred experience to see Heavenly Father and my husband work together to bless Haven and Baila.

Update on the twins, they are a little small for their age but are developing right on target.  Haven is my mover surprisingly because she's so mild-mannered but she rolls everywhere.  Baila can roll just doesn't unless the situation calls for it.  She is more of a throw herself in the general direction of where she wants to go baby.  That's fun!  They are both joys and terrors, taking turns holding us hostage to their capricious whims.

Loralei is three and we are feeling every bit of it.  Her favorite phrase, "why?"has caused much consternation in our household.  "Seriously child, just because," is heard daily.  We love her curiosity zest for life.  She plays with our neighbor girl daily and loves to be outside.

Ry has a new job working at the American Fork concrete terminal for the interstate project.  He loves the work but he's away from us a lot of the time.  He's hoping to turn this into something really good for our family so fingers crossed!

Spring/almost Summer has fallen on Utah.  We plan to spend it on long walks and bike rides as a family.  I love to feel the warm desert breeze against my face as the sun beams down.  This is the time of year I enjoy most, Utah is in bloom.  Now off to feed some babies, enjoy the photos.

Loralei April 2012

Loralei April 2012

Baila April 2012

Baila April 2012

Haven April 2012

Haven April 2012

Haven April 2012

Baila April 2012

Loralei April 2012

Loralei April 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

We've been busy!!

Right after the girls' birth.  Haven on the left, Baila in the center.
I promise to catch the blog up as soon as I have a spare moment.  Suffice it to say, the girls are here, home, and healthy and we are all trying to get used to being a family of five.  Here are some photos to hold everyone over.
Haven and Baila 4 weeks. Haven on top, Baila snoozing below

Haven's "you don't say?" face

Baila's wondering if this is the time for photos

All three of my beautiful girls

NICU pic- girls nose to nose helping each other get well

NICU photo

Holding them together

6 weeks old getting ready for bed.  Baila on top, Haven underneath.

Haven looking oh so serious
I am hoping to be able to update with their birth story and subsequent NICU story soon.  Life is muy loco right now with feedings and little sleep but I do want to share!  Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers through out my pregnancy.  I can honestly say that it was all worth it.