Friday, September 24, 2010

The Solution to "Perfection" Blues

An Old Picture but doesn't she look happy!
I am writing a plethora of posts today to make up for my blogging negligence.  I read an blog post on perfection recently that really spoke to me.  That post can be found here  Basically the article summed up how I have been feeling lately in my life.  Since I last wrote, I have moved, lost a really good friend, and become the wife of someone who works two jobs.  It's been busy to say the least.  I have really felt overwhelmed to be better, to strive for that perfection that it seems like everyone else has.  This article helped me put it in perspective. 

I struggle with inadequacy, and that struggle makes me even more likely to fail.  It's a bitter never ending cycle. There's a post on that makes describes this struggle perfectly.  I warn you there is some language.  You can find it here.  I burn myself out because I make all these goals and "life altering changes" and it's so hard to change.  I reach my threshold for change pretty quickly and pretty soon my house is a mess again, I leave the house without makeup, and eat nutella by the spoonful. 

The perfection post made a point that I need to internalize that to be better I need to admit my problems, admit my struggles and be real.  Reading the comments for his post made me realize that I'm not alone and I should be proud that I am a part of humanity, everyone makes mistakes and everyone needs something or someone else.  This brings to my mind the atonement.  I can't hold onto my idea of "perfection" and take part of the atonement.  I cannot try to make myself perfect and fully take part in the sacrifice of the Savior.  If I have picked up a bad habit since joining the LDS faith is that I have forgotten how much grace, the Savior's grace, has to make me perfect.  Perfection in the eyes of society is impossible and even more impossible to obtain is in both the eyes of society and perfection  in the Gospel.  I need to prioritize and learn one of the most important gospel principles. It's found in my favorite book, the Book of Mormon, 2nd Nephi 2:25: Adam fell that men might be, men are that they might have joy.

There's the answer to "perfection"  I resolve here and now to have more joy, spread more joy, and give more joy.  I will fully take part of the atonement so that I can one day obtain the only perfection that matters.  I am going to be researching this idea and trying to find ways of fostering more joy.  This is a wonderful forum for a discussion on what joy is how to find.  Please leave a comment on what gives you joy and helps to deal with the "impefections" in your life. 

Until next time, and it won't be months and months.  Bask in the joy of being alive and Autumn.

Latest Pics

Here are just a few pics from the summer. I had to take a little break from blogging. Life has been super stressful and crazy. I am ready to return and I will once again dazzle the internet with my musings and stories of toddlerdom.

Chance to Win Your Own Christmas Gift!

I haven't written in a long time. Life has changed so much that I don't know where to begin. I did want to mention this webpage to make Christmas crafts. I am in a craft group and I want to make something Christmas-ey. I really like the ideas at There's so many to choose from and I am so excited to get started!