Thursday, June 5, 2008

The first 30 days of change

Hello one and all!

So I found a website that I wanted to share. It is a site that is designed to help people to change. Lately I have found myself in the typical newly wed "now what" syndrome. Honestly, I think that there should be a study done on the phenomenon. It has happen to me twice and to many others that I know so It is a really thing. As Ry and I approach our 3 month wedding anniversary and a bit farther out our year anniversary of dating we have both found ourselves in the "now what" stage. To explain it is when the hoopla of getting and being married dies down and life starts being...real. It's so seductive to wonder what is next. And being who we are, namely Mormons, our thoughts turn to children.

Now to set the record straight I can not wait until I am a mother. I think about my future children like they are here. I have their names and I even "know" what they are going to look like. However, I dream about my children because they are my future not because I want to start reproducing now. So the "now what" stage is really dangerous, because I don't want to rush the future. I want to live in the present.

That is where this website comes into the picture. This website helps to guide you through the first 30 days of many life changes. For example the two life changes that I chose to work on is getting in shape and becoming happier. I have spoken about becoming happier in previous posts and getting in shape has been a long time goal of mine. Having this resource to keep me going is such a godsend. I suggest that everyone go and check it out. Change happens, that's one of the axioms of life, but it doesn't have to be all that hard. This a wonderful site to help with that.

So my goals are to become a happier, less cynical more fit kick butt person!! I know that I can do it because I want it! And my life has brought me to this place for a reason. I have been given the tools for my situation and I will live my life on purpose!!