I am keeping my promise. Here is me at 25 weeks. I am feeling really great with no braxton hicks or contractions. Of course my back and abs get pretty tired by the end of the day but I'm really blessed and I'm feeling really good despite my girth. My weekly complaints would have to be that sleeping is a struggle. Ry swears he hears me sleeping all the time but I just get so uncomfortable I don't feel like I get much sleep at all. That's about it. I can't complain too much this has been such a ride and I'm surprised I feel as good as I do.
Loralei is becoming used to the idea of the babies. She asks to see the babies first thing in the morning, when the belly is all lopsided, and she will just kiss and talk to them. I hope they recognize her voice when they get here. It's so cute to hear here whisper to them.
There is progress being made in the twins room. I have went through all our clothes and sorted keepers and donations. Also, I'm starting to wash all the newborn and 3-6 month clothes. I need to pick up two dressers so we have a place to put all these clothes. I also want to change the border in the room and we'll be pretty much set room wise. It will feel good to have that checked off our list of the never-ending prep for the twins.
This week I have my glucose test. I'm not really looking forward to it so wish me luck! The orange soda like stuff is not that appetizing and my twinners definitely are not going to be happy about the moratorium on eating. It's usually my growling tummy that convinces me I have to get up. They don't like the gap between dinner and breakfast very much so a bit extra wait may be my undoing.
Please pray for us that we may stay healthy and strong. Until next week, or unless something strikes my fancy.