Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's been awhile...things on my mind

I am officially halfway through this awesome, strange, wonderful journey of being pregnant. I need to post pictures. I have definitely started to show and we find out about the gender of the baby on Jan 8th (Next Thursday). I'm so excited.

Since my halfway mark almost syncs up with the new year, I've been thinking about how to make the second half of my pregnancy better than the first half. One of the major things is for me to laugh more, so here's something that really made me laugh.

Count your blessings

• The penis of a rhinoceros is 2 feet long.
• The penis of a mosquito is a hundredth of an inch long.
• The praying mantis bites her mate's head off while he impregnates her.
• Elephants are pregnant for two years.
• Many animals give birth to a dozen or more babies at a time.
• Your baby won't be born with hooves.

I want to thank everyone who has been so supportive and understanding of me during this wild strange ride. This is truly the most awesome thing I have ever done in my life. Only 20 more weeks to go!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Hi One and All!

Happy Thanksgiving! I love the holiday season because it gives us time to be grateful for all that we have. I am so grateful for so many things. I'm grateful for the life growing and developing inside me. I'm grateful for my wonderful husband who loves and supports me through this turbulent time in my life. I'm really really grateful for my body which is doing these amazing things without any conscious help from me.

I can't be thankful enough for my friends and my family. They help me to be better and always save my butt when I bite off too much. I am so grateful.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and a joyful holiday season.

Monday, November 3, 2008

196 and Counting!

So a pretty monumental milestone for me, I have less than 200 days of pregnancy remaining. I am technically 12 weeks pregnant today and I'm so excited cause this seems to be a semi-permanent thing, for nine months at least. I am really excited and have been dreaming a ton about Baby. I always dream about a girl but Ry insists on the child being a son. We'll see in about 2 months. Actually I am really up in the air about finding out. I think I'm going to put it to a vote. There's pros and cons either way. Honestly the nursery is gonna be green no matter what. I have found the cutest crib things at Target and I'm thinking it will be a white crib. I want to find out, so I can prepare but then again that surprise is something that would be great as well...

I am doing better, I have been really sick and tired but as the pregnancy progresses I am feeling better. I am waiting for that fabled second trimester that is supposed to be much more fun! I am learning to appreciate my body in ways I never have before and I'm really blessed to have this opportunity.

Until next time, pretty soon there will be belly pics :P

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Big News!!

To all those who have wondered about my blog drought, I have good news! It's over! I didn't want to blog and not tell my news which is that I'm pregnant! I am gonna have a baby, me of all people! I am 10 weeks and 1 day pregnant and I have known 5 weeks. And you know me, I couldn't keep it a secret. I wanted to wait until it was a little bit more sure. Ry and I are so excited tho! Just FYI, I will try to post some pics later!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What Would I Do If I Knew I Couldn't Fail

My wonderful friend Abby wrote this and I thought that I would add the things that I would do if I could not fail.

1. I would be a wonderful mom who nurtures and loves her children and leads them along the path of righteousness
2. I would spread the gospel among my family and friends, and let them know the joy and peace I feel.

3. I would become an author who makes the world a better place because of her books.
4. I would go earn multiple degrees in everything that interests me.

5. I would design my own home and build it from the plans and make it mine; with turrets, secret rooms, and slides

6. I would build a beautiful garden to bring joy and beauty to my home.

7. I would become physically fit and finally look like the person that I feel like on the inside.

8. I would become a master macguyver chef who can make great food out of common ingredients.

9. I would start a bed and breakfast and help make people's vacation's fantastic.

10. I would travel a whole lot more and see more of this beautiful world.

11. I would keep my temper and be sweet, loving, and patient. (Ry would like that)

12. I would sing more in public.

13. I would learn to paint.

14. I would put myself out there a lot more.

15. I would try to convince my husband to move to the beach somewhere.

There are many more but I know, but seeing this list makes me think of all the things that I should be trying and I'm not and how I need to stop worrying about failing. Life is about the journey not the destination!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sixth Month Anniversary and other general life stuff

Hello Everyone,

Ry and I had our six month anniversary last Sunday! It's so crazy to think that Ry and I have been married 6 months. Ry's opinion is basically "Hey! If we can make is 6 months, eternity hear we come! " :P Life has been good, we have settled really well and we are so just comfortable with each other. I do think it's true that the first year is the hardest of all, but its not really that hard. Anywho, we didn't do anything to celebrate other than just talk and reminisce.

I've been really busy lately, hence the lack of posts. I have been working at Dr. Lowry's a lot more, pulling 12 hours (total) shifts 2 to 3 days a week. I typically just get home and crash. I am really enjoying what I do for Dr. Lowry. The ZYTO machine is so fun and I see such improvements in the clients that I see! Hopefully I can build it bigger!

I am actually excited for autumn. This will be first winter I'm married and Ry and I are moving soon. Moving downstairs but hey it counts! Life is good!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Lost Males

I wanted to try something different. I read this article and I thought about how true it is for this day and age. I know that I am not the best at letting my husband be a "man" but I am so glad that I married a man who I promise will never be pushed off to the side as unnecessary.

Where have all the real men gone?

Top American columnist Kathleen Parker is causing a furore with her new book Save the Males, in which she argues that feminism has neutered men and deprived them of their noble, protective role in society

I know. Saving the males is an unlikely vocation for a 21st-century woman. Most men don’t know they need saving; most women consider the idea absurd. When I tell my women friends that I want to save the males, they look at me as if noticing for the first time that I am insane. Then they say something like: “Are you out of your mind? This is still a male-dominated world. It’s women who need saving. Screw the men!”

Actually, that’s a direct quote. The reality is that men already have been screwed – and not in the way they prefer. For the past 30 years or so, males have been under siege by a culture that too often embraces the notion that men are to blame for all of life’s ills. Males as a group – not random men – are bad by virtue of their DNA.

While women have been cast as victims, martyrs, mystics or saints, men have quietly retreated into their caves, the better to muffle emotions that fluctuate between hilarity (are these bitches crazy or what?) and rage (yes, they are and they’ve got our kids).

In the process of fashioning a more female-friendly world, we have created a culture that is hostile towards males, contemptuous of masculinity and cynical about the delightful differences that make men irresistible, especially when something goes bump in the night.

In popular culture, rare is the man portrayed as wise, strong and noble. In film and music, men are variously portrayed as dolts, bullies, brutes, deadbeats, rapists, sexual predators and wife-beaters. Even otherwise easy-going family men in sitcoms are invariably cast as, at best, bumbling, dim-witted fools. One would assume from most depictions that the smart, decent man who cares about his family and pats the neighbour’s dog is the exception rather than the rule.

I am frankly an unlikely champion of males and that most hackneyed cliché of our times – “traditional family values”. Or rather, I’m an expert on family in the same way that the captain of the Titanic was an expert on maritime navigation.

Looking back affectionately, I like to think of home as our own little Baghdad. The bunker-buster was my mother’s death when she was 31 and I was three, whereupon my father became a serial husband, launching into the holy state of matrimony four more times throughout my childhood and early adulthood. We were dysfunctional before dysfunctional was cool.

Going against trends of the day, I was mostly an only child raised by a single father through all but one of my teen years, with mother figures in various cameo roles. I got a close-up glimpse of how the sexes trouble and fail each other and in the process developed great em-pathy for both, but especially for men.

Although my father could be difficult – I wasn’t blinded by his considerable charms – I also could see his struggle and the sorrows he suffered, especially after mother No 2 left with his youngest daughter, my little sister.

From this broad, experiential education in the ways of men and women, I reached a helpful conclusion that seems to have escaped notice by some of my fellow sisters: men are human beings, too.

Lest anyone infer that my defence of men is driven by antipathy towards women, let me take a moment to point out that I liked and/or loved all my mothers. In fact, I’m still close to all my father’s wives except the last, who is just a few years older than me and who is apparently afraid that if we make eye contact, I’ll want the silver. (I do.)

My further education in matters male transpired in the course of raising three boys, my own and two stepsons. As a result of my total immersion in male-dom, I’ve been cursed with guy vision – and it’s not looking so good out there.

At the same time that men have been ridiculed, the importance of fatherhood has been diminished, along with other traditionally male roles of father, protector and provider, which are increasingly viewed as regressive manifestations of an outmoded patriarchy.

The exemplar of the modern male is the hairless, metrosexualised man and decorator boys who turn heter-osexual slobs into perfumed ponies. All of which is fine as long as we can dwell happily in the Kingdom of Starbucks, munching our biscotti and debating whether nature or nurture determines gender identity. But in the dangerous world in which we really live, it might be nice to have a few guys around who aren’t trying to juggle pedicures and highlights.

Men have been domesticated to within an inch of their lives, attending Lamaze classes, counting contractions, bottling expressed breast milk for midnight feedings – I expect men to start lactating before I finish this sentence – yet they are treated most unfairly in the areas of reproduction and parenting.

Legally, women hold the cards. If a woman gets pregnant, she can abort – even without her husband’s consent. If she chooses to have the child, she gets a baby and the man gets an invoice. Unarguably, a man should support his offspring, but by that same logic shouldn’t he have a say in whether his child is born or aborted?

Granted, many men are all too grateful for women to handle the collateral damage of poorly planned romantic interludes, but that doesn’t negate the fact that many men are hurt by the presumption that their vote is irrelevant in childbearing decisions.

NOTHING quite says “Men need not apply” like a phial of mail-order sperm Continued on page 2 Continued from page 1 and a turkey-baster. In the high-tech nursery of sperm donation and self-insemination – and in the absence of shame attached to unwed motherhood – babies can now be custom-ordered without the muss and fuss of human intimacy.

It’s not fashionable to question women’s decisions, especially when it comes to childbearing, but the shame attached to unwed motherhood did serve a useful purpose once upon a time. While we have happily retired the word “bastard” and the attendant emotional pain for mother and child, acceptance of childbearing outside marriage represents not just a huge shift in attitudes but, potentially, a restructuring of the future human family.

By elevating single motherhood from an unfortunate consequence of poor planning to a sophisticated act of self-fulfilment, we have helped to fashion a world in which fathers are not just scarce but in which men are also superfluous.

Lots of women can, do and always will raise children without fathers, whether out of necessity, tragedy or other circumstance. But that fact can’t logically be construed to mean that children don’t need a father. The fact that some children manage with just one parent is no more an endorsement of single parenthood than driving with a flat tyre is an argument for three-wheeled cars.

For most of recorded history, human society has regarded the family, consisting of a child’s biological mother and father, to be the best arrangement for the child’s wellbeing and the loss of a parent to be the single greatest threat to that wellbeing. There’s bound to be a reason for this beyond the need for man to drag his woman around by her chignon.

Sperm-donor children are a relatively new addition to the human community and they bring new stories to the campfire. I interviewed several adults who are the products of sperm donation. Some were born to married but infertile couples. Others were born to single mothers. Some reported well-adjusted childhoods; some reported conflicting feelings of love and loss.

Overall, a common thread emerged that should put to rest any notion that fathers are not needed: even the happiest donor children expressed a profound need to know who their father is, to know that other part of themselves.

Tom Ellis, a mathematics doctoral student at Cambridge University, learnt at 21 that he and his brother were both donor-conceived. Their parents told them on the advice of a family therapist as their marriage unravelled.

At first Tom did not react, but months later he hit a wall of emotional devastation. He says he became numb, anxious and scared. He began a search for his biological father, a search that has become a crusade for identity common among sperm-donor children.

“It’s absolutely necessary that I find out who he is to have a normal existence as a human being. That’s not negotiable in any way,” Tom said. “It would be nice if he wanted to meet me, but that would be something I want rather than something needed.”

Tom is convinced that the need to know one’s biological father is profound and that it is also every child’s right. What is clear from conversations with donor-conceived children is that a father is neither an abstract idea nor is he interchangeable with a mother.

As Tom put it: “There’s a mystery about oneself.” Knowing one’s father is apparently crucial to that mystery.

Something that’s hard for many women to admit or understand is that after about the age of seven, boys prefer the company of men. A woman could know the secret code to Aladdin’s cave and it would be less interesting to a boy than a man talking about dirt. That is because a woman is perceived as just another mother, while a man is Man.

From their mothers, boys basically want to hear variations on two phrases: “I love you” and “Do you want those fried or scrambled?” I learnt this in no uncertain terms when I was a Cub Scout leader, which mysteriously seems to have prompted my son’s decision to abandon Scouting for ever.

My co-Akela (Cub Scout for wolf leader) was Dr Judy Sullivan – friend, fellow mother and clinical psychologist. Imagine the boys’ excitement when they learnt who would be leading them in guy pursuits: a reporter and a shrink – two intense, overachieving, helicopter mothers of only boys. Shouldn’t there be a law against this?

We had our boys’ best interests at heart, of course, and did our utmost to be good den mothers. But seven-year-old boys are not interested in making lanterns from coffee tins. They want to shoot bows and arrows, preferably at one another, chop wood with stone-hewn axes and sink canoes, preferably while in them.

At the end of a school day, during which they have been steeped in oestrogen by women teachers and told how many “bad choices” they’ve made, boys are ready to make some really bad choices. They do not want to sit quietly and listen to yet more women speak soothingly of important things.

Here’s how one memorable meeting began. “Boys, thank you for taking your seats and being quiet while we explain our women’s history month project,” said Akela Sullivan in her calmest psychotherapist voice. The response to Akela Sullivan’s entreaty sounded something like the Zulu nation psyching up for the Brits.

I tried a different, somewhat more masculine approach: “Boys, get in here, sit down and shut up. Now!” And lo, they did get in there. And they did sit. And they did shut up. One boy stargazed into my face and stage-whispered: “I wish you were my mother.”

Akela Sullivan and I put our heads together, epiphanised in unison and decided that we would recruit transients from the homeless shelter if necessary to give these boys what they wanted and needed – men.

As luck would have it, a Cub Scout’s father was semi-retired or between jobs or something – we didn’t ask – and could attend the meetings. He didn’t have to do a thing. He just had to be there and respire testosterone vapours into the atmosphere.

His presence shifted the tectonic plates and changed the angle of the Earth on its axis. Our boys were at his command, ready to disarm landmines, to sink enemy ships – or even to sit quietly for the sake of the unit if he of the gravelly voice and sandpaper face wished it so. I suspect they would have found coffee tins brilliantly useful as lanterns if he had suggested as much.

But, of course, boys don’t stay Cub Scouts for long. We’ve managed over the past 20 years or so to create a new generation of child-men, perpetual adolescents who see no point in growing up. By indulging every appetite instead of recognising the importance of self-control and commitment, we’ve ratified the id.

Our society’s young men encounter little resistance against continuing to celebrate juvenile pursuits, losing themselves in video games and mindless, “guy-oriented” TV fare – and casual sex.

The casual sex culture prevalent on university campuses – and even in schools – has produced fresh vocabulary to accommodate new ways of relating: “friends with benefits” and “booty call”.

FWB I get, but “booty call”? I had to ask a young friend, who explained: “Oh, that’s when a guy calls you up and just needs you to come over and have sex with him and then go home.”

Why, I asked, would a girl do such a thing? Why would she service a man for nothing – no relationship, no affection, no emotional intimacy?

She pointed out that, well, they are friends. With benefits! But no obligations! Cool. When I persisted in demanding an answer to “why”, she finally shrugged and said: “I have no idea. It’s dumb.”

Guys also have no idea why a girl would do that, but they’re not complaining – even if they’re not enjoying themselves that much, either.

Miriam Grossman, a university psychiatrist, wrote Unprotected, a book about the consequences of casual sex among students. She has treated thousands of young men and women suffering a range of physical and emotional problems related to sex, which she blames on sex education of recent years that treats sex as though it were divorced from emotional attachment and as if men and women were the same. Grossman asserts that there are a lot more victims of the hookup (casual sex) culture than of date rape.

Casual sex, besides being emotionally unrewarding, can become physically boring. Once sex is stripped of meaning, it becomes merely a mechanical exercise. Since the hookup generation is also the porn generation, many have taken their performance cues from porn flicks that are anything but sensual or caring.

Boys today are marinating in pornography and they’ll soon be having casual sex with our daughters. According to a study by the National Foundation for Educational Research issued in 2005, 12% of British males aged 13-18 avail themselves of “adult-only” websites; and American research findings are similar. The actual numbers are likely to be much higher, given the amount of porn spam that finds its way into electronic mailboxes. If the rising generation of young men have trouble viewing the opposite sex as anything but an object for sexual gratification, we can’t pretend not to understand why.

The biggest problem for both sexes – beyond the epidemic of sexually transmitted disease – is that casual sex is essentially an adversarial enterprise that pits men and women against each other. Some young women, now fully as sexually aggressive as men, have taken “liberation” to another level by acting as badly as the worst guy.

Carol Platt Liebau, the author of Prude, another book on the havoc that pervasive sex has on young people, says that when girls begin behaving more coarsely so, too, do boys.

“And now, because so many young girls have been told that it’s ‘empowering’ to pursue boys aggressively, there’s no longer any need for boys to ‘woo’ girls – or even to commit to a date,” she told me. “The girls are available [in every sense of the word] and the boys know it.”

Men, meanwhile, have feelings. Although they’re uncomfortable sorting through them – and generally won’t if no one insists – I’ve listened to enough of them to know that our hypersexualised world has left many feeling limp and vacant.

Our cultural assumption that men only want sex has been as damaging to them as to the women they target. Here is how a recent graduate summed it up to me: “Hooking up is great, but at some point you get tired of everything meaning nothing.”

Ultimately, what our oversexualised, pornified culture reveals is that we think very little of our male family members. Undergirding the culture that feminism has helped to craft is a presumption that men are without honour and integrity. What we offer men is cheap, dirty, sleazy, manipulative sensation. What we expect from them is boorish, simian behaviour that ratifies the antimale sentiment that runs through the culture.

Surely our boys – and our girls – deserve better.

As long as men feel marginalised by the women whose favours and approval they seek; as long as they are alienated from their children and treated as criminals by family courts; as long as they are disrespected by a culture that no longer values masculinity tied to honour; and as long as boys are bereft of strong fathers and our young men and women wage sexual war, then we risk cultural suicide.

In the coming years we will need men who are not confused about their responsibilities. We need boys who have acquired the virtues of honour, courage, valour and loyalty. We need women willing to let men be men – and boys be boys. And we need young men and women who will commit and marry and raise children in stable homes.

Unprogressive though it sounds, the world in which we live requires no less.

Saving the males – engaging their nobility and recognising their unique strengths – will ultimately benefit women and children, too. Fewer will live in poverty; fewer boys will fail in schools and wind up in jail; fewer girls will get pregnant or suffer emotional damage from too early sex with uncaring boys. Fewer young men and women will suffer loneliness and loss because they’ve grown up in a climate of sexual hostility that casts the opposite sex as either villain or victim.

Then again, maybe I’m completely wrong. Maybe males don’t need saving and women are never happier or more liberated than when dancing with a stripper pole. Maybe women should man the barricades and men should warm the milk. Maybe men are not necessary and women can manage just fine without them. Maybe human nature has been nurtured into submission and males and females are completely interchangeable.

But I don’t think so. When women say, “No, honey, you stay in bed. I’ll go see what that noise is” – I’ll reconsider.

© Kathleen Parker 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Life Update

Ha! I realized that I often wax philosophical on the blog and don't provide many life updates. So hear goes... Ry and I have been married 5 months and week, it is truly a blessing to me to have such a companion. Not that we don't have our own issues, the first year is full of misunderstandings and miscommunications. Despite all that I love him and I am working to be a better wife, and we have all of eternity to get it right!

We are going to move downstairs in about 6 weeks, then we will have new housemates. I'm actually really excited and I may post photos of our new digs and get decorating ideas.

I have a lot of weddings coming up in the next few months. It's fun being the friend to hear all about it, I know I talked Brie's ear off when I was getting married. I wish them all the best and hope that they will let me help in any way.

I've been trying to figure out things I can do part time once I have a child, I think I would be able to work part time at my current job, but if not possible I want to be able to do things that will help support my family (when it comes) and that I find some enjoyment in. I recently looked at massage therapy, but it is terribly expensive and not guaranteed. I can't imagine placing me and Ryan in such debt for something that might not work out. So I am considering tutoring and further exploring the use of the ZYTO programs. If I really try I know I can succeed. The ZYTO programs can help so many people and that's the type of thing that I want to do.

Nothing else is really new except we are planning a camping trip for the last weekend of this month. I am so excited cause we are going to Bear Lake (see picture). This is one of the prettiest places in Utah! And we get to camp for 3 nights!! Well that's the latest news from the Jessica front.

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Joys of a Good Series

Prince Edward Island

Lately I have decided to return to a lot of the books that I loved when I was a child. As per my last post I am still looking for new reading material and I decided to finish a series that has captivated children for at least 4 generations. I have begun to read the Anne of Green Gables series. I am not on the fifth book and I just wanted to express my praise for this remarkable heartwarming story.

I first read Anne of Green Gables when I was nine. I was captivated by its wonderfully spunky and imaginative title character Anne. I laughed at all her scrapes as she grew up, however I never had full access to the entire series until now. I delight in reading how Anne has grown and has still preserved her sense of wonder.

I want to be more like Anne. I want to appreciate the small beautiful things such how the sun rises as I get to work, or the lovely rain that is miraculously falling in Utah right now. I want to have her spunk and her willingness to meet kindred spirits. She has caused me to take a good long look at the walls I have built around myself and allow them to come down just a bit so that I can once again look at my world through the eyes of wonder.

Friday, August 1, 2008

A Personal Plea from Jess

As you have probably heard the fourth and final installment of the Twilight series is coming out. I am super excited but after that is over I find myself without a clue on what to read next. Those that know me know that I am a veracious reader and I need to have something to read. And last nite in a fit of desperation I started Harry Potter again! So if you could please leave a comment of your favorite books or books that you would suggest me reading. I am including a list of my personal favorites as well!!

Harry Potter Series
Twilight Series-Stephenie Meyers
The Host-Stephenie Meyers
The Pillars of the Earth-Ken Folliet
The Alienist and The Angel of Darkness -Caleb Carr
The Odd Thomas Series-Dean Koontz
Life Expectancy-Dean Koontz
Beauty- Sherri Tepper
The First Man in Rome- Colleen McCullough
Anne of Green Gables- L.M. Montgomery

There are many many more! I love books that can make you laugh and cry. In fact that's kinda my standard for a book. I love sweeping emotions and brilliant plots. I love pretty much everything across the board except romance. I'll be honest I need some action in pretty much everything that I read. So if you know any good books please respond and I'll head off to my local library!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I have a new layout!! I am really excited to bring you The Journey of Jess 2.0. Let me know your opinion, its a departure of my normal green but still fresh and exciting.

Like is still sweet. I don't have to move except downstairs!! Also there's a wedding boom among my friends and family! I have three weddings coming up in the next four months! I am married to a wonderful, giving, loving, and hot husband. I love his outlook on life and I promise his nonchalance of about life is rubbing of on me!

A few nights ago I was surprised to see the movie The Wizard of Oz on TNT. I love the movie for its beautiful contempt of reality and the sweet naivety of Dorothy. So this pic's in tribute of the good ol' Lollipop guild. Remember pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

I will write & post pics of my birthday celebration at The Roof later!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Twilight Saga-*Warning contains Spoilers*

I know that everyone is crazy over this series of books but I wanted to add my reaction. I love these books, I didn't think I would I'll be honest. I thought especially during the first 50 pages that it was a silly little high school drama that happened to include vampires. Having grown up on a regular diet of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel I had my extreme doubts on whether an English major from BYU could create believable vampire lore especially a love story. I was wrong. Stephanie Meyers has been able to create a wonderfully intricate story that entwines the best of both genres, the fantasy and the romance.

What I love most is her treatment of forever. The author is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, as I am. In our faith we tend to think of love and relationships in the scope of eternity more often than your average person. That is why I love these books. It isn't preachy, it isn't judgemental, there are subtle mention of having a sinful nature and still doing all that you can to be righteous. I admire Edward for his intention of doing everything right, of wanting to marry her before sealing her "fate." I love how they both recognize that what they have is forever. It makes for refreshing and uplifting reading.

I add my humble kudos for Stephanie Meyers. She has been able to prove herself as a writer who recognizes the goodness that mankind has, that is truly refreshing. These are books that I will read over and over.

I want to express my knowledge of the eternity. A little out of place I know, but as I grow I redefine my priorities and lately I have been impressed with the closeness of eternity. The mystical, spiritual feeling that there's more to life than meets the eye. I love my life, I love my husband and I am truly glad for the Atonement. Without it I would have no hope.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Strength to Light Up the Dark

Light Up the Dark

As I was reading my scriptures this morning I decided to read talks on strength. This week has been tough for me. I found out that my credit is trashed because my name is still on my ex-husband's home and he has hit some financial difficulties. Also I found out that its about 95% likely that I am going to have to move. Not out of Utah, no Ryan wouldn't allow that, but out of the home that we had hope to purchase, because my credit is not in any shape to buy a home. So, I was researching strength because I am going to need strength and wisdom to make the correct decisions with my husband about where we should go. I came across this talk by Elder Richard Scott. I love him he is truly one of my favorite apostles and is like the grandfather that I hope my husband will be :) So he posed these four questions for deep thought and I thought as my blog post that I would attempt to answer them. I figure no one reads this anyway so...why not?

What are some of the most fundamental priorities of your life?

To have a family where love is abundant. To be loved by others and to be respected by them. To raise righteous children who will love their parents and the Lord. To be educated and to have a closer walk with the Lord. To have a meaningful life that is more than fluff.

What challenges do you face in realizing your dreams and aspirations?
The resources to begin a family. My awkwardness around others, a lot of the times my social insecurities prevent people from noticing who I truly am. The rest of my challenges are ones that I have made myself, no one can determine if I live up to my potential, only I can make the choice to do that.

What are some of the obstacles that impede your progress?

My selfishness and my laziness. My constant desire for things to be easy as well as my huge penchant for procrastination. Also my judgemental and controlling nature, I am a blue personality all the way. I need to control my temper and take things one day at a time. I need to concentrate less on things of no importance and devote my time, energy, and resources to things that will benefit me now as well as in the future. I need to become a more caring and loving individual that listens more and talks less. That puts others before herself and is not jealous of the supposed "ease" that others experience.

What motivates you to overcome temptation and live righteously so that the Lord can guide and strengthen you?

My husband and future family. My desire to be a little less of an "unprofitable servant." My innate knowledge that I can be better. And most of the love that the Savior has for me, his sacrifice so complete. And not only his infinite atonement but the magnificent blessings that I have had here on this Earth, the personal purgatories that He has lifted me out of, His all encompassing grace.

I really enjoyed this exercise. It helped me to realize some important things about myself. Life is never simple. We often want to vilify the ones who wrong us, but if we look at the situation from a more righteous perspective we can always empathize. Oh wow I have learned this. If you would like the full details, anyone just ask through a comment and I will let you know. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

True Meaning

I love to blog, its like emotional chemotherapy for me. Today I want to discuss true meaning. I realized an important precept for my marriage. That too often we let the most ridiculous things distract us from happiness and eternity. I noticed this especially Monday night. Ry and I had been snipping at each other all night. Ok I'll admit it I was being snippy and my husband was being well clueless like always. And we were fussing about cleaning the house or something nonsensical like that. Then the Spirit touched me and was like "Go for a walk." While on this walk my husband and I reconnected we talked like we can't talk with the Wii or the TV or the radio going. It reminded me how much I enjoy his company and how much I let the true meaning of my life get overshadowed by things that have no eternal importance.

I can apply this to my spiritual journey as well. Too often I let things such as the amusing story on the Internet or the great book I picked up at the library prevent me from feasting on the work of the Lord. I love my Heavenly Father and I want to learn more about him and his gospel. I too often let the non eternal things endanger the eternal. I'm going to make the goal of being more concerned with things of an eternal nature.

I am so grateful that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Since my conversion in 2002 I have been blessed beyond compare. I have been provided with true meaning, with my true purpose. I strive to be more grateful of the Atonement of Jesus Christ as well as the blessings He has bestowed upon me. I know that I have done the right thing. I know this church is true.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

He Loves Me So Good and This Beautiful World

I love my husband. I love my husband dearly. Lately times has been tough for me. Not with my husband, but just in life in general. I have recently parted ways with a very dear friend and this has taken a terrible emotional toll. I try to "shake" it off and let it roll off my back like Ry suggests but I have never been good at that. However, the purpose of this blog isn't to lament the lost of who I thought was my best friend but rather to sing the praise of my husband.

My husband Ryan always seems to know the right thing to say when I'm blue. I have had a hard life. I'm not being facetious, it's just the truth and when I fall into "victim" mode he is always there with the perfect thing to say to lift me back out. He calms my fears when I doubt and he loves me so good. That statement was made by a wise lady named Sharron Huffstutler and though it is rife with grammatical error it truly describes my husband. He loves me so good.

Lately Ry has been out of town more days than in town. I have struggled with loneliness and anger, but Ry does the best he can to make me feel dear to him. It is a testament of his ability to love me so good that I don't worry or fret when he's out of town. I trust him and that is a miracle. He completes me. My life is just better because he is in it. I am truly glad to have made him my husband.

On a different track, life has been pretty routine lately. It's been a lot of reading, working, and cleaning. Saturday (June 14th) I was able to visit bridal veil falls. I am amazed at how much better shape I am in than when I first moved here and that short hike nearly did me in. Standing by the waterfall and looking through the canyon was a spiritual experience to me. I know that my Heavenly Father is a god of love. NO being could create this beautiful and awe inspiring world and not feel the deepest of love.

I am happy, I am on the right path, and I am in love.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The first 30 days of change

Hello one and all!

So I found a website that I wanted to share. http://www.thefirst30days.com/. It is a site that is designed to help people to change. Lately I have found myself in the typical newly wed "now what" syndrome. Honestly, I think that there should be a study done on the phenomenon. It has happen to me twice and to many others that I know so It is a really thing. As Ry and I approach our 3 month wedding anniversary and a bit farther out our year anniversary of dating we have both found ourselves in the "now what" stage. To explain it is when the hoopla of getting and being married dies down and life starts being...real. It's so seductive to wonder what is next. And being who we are, namely Mormons, our thoughts turn to children.

Now to set the record straight I can not wait until I am a mother. I think about my future children like they are here. I have their names and I even "know" what they are going to look like. However, I dream about my children because they are my future not because I want to start reproducing now. So the "now what" stage is really dangerous, because I don't want to rush the future. I want to live in the present.

That is where this website comes into the picture. This website helps to guide you through the first 30 days of many life changes. For example the two life changes that I chose to work on is getting in shape and becoming happier. I have spoken about becoming happier in previous posts and getting in shape has been a long time goal of mine. Having this resource to keep me going is such a godsend. I suggest that everyone go and check it out. Change happens, that's one of the axioms of life, but it doesn't have to be all that hard. This a wonderful site to help with that.

So my goals are to become a happier, less cynical more fit kick butt person!! I know that I can do it because I want it! And my life has brought me to this place for a reason. I have been given the tools for my situation and I will live my life on purpose!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Juno and my humble musings

Hello all!

This weekend I finally got to see Juno! Such a great movie! I have heard many different opinions but I loved it for its accurate betrayal of teenage pregnancy and the stigma attached to it. Teenage pregnancy while regrettable and should not be encouraged sometimes happens. Everyone makes mistakes and there are no reasons to judge others for having their mistakes so prominently displayed. To me anything that brings the miracle of life into the world couldn't have been a "mistake." I cannot believe that with astronomical odds each fertilized egg has to making it to babyhood. I loved how Juno showed an intelligent young woman who made the right decision when faced with the consequence of her actions. It was also very refreshing to see movie parents be....real, idealized but real. I enjoyed this movie very much. I would recommend it to people teenagers and up.

I have been thinking of babies lately. It's natural I live in UT and there are about 5,000,000 babies per ward ;) Kidding kidding. But now that Ry and I are in a family ward its really hard for us to not get caught up in that baby craze. My guess is that all it's going to take is a good ol calling in nursery and primary to cure that ;) No, I don't imagine I'll be having Ry's babies anytime soon; but it's nice to think about. And never before have I felt that this is the right guy for 100%. Hmmmmm...well when they come I know that they will be extremely lucky kids to have a father like they will have. :D
Summer is now taking a break again, and it will be chilly for the next week. I knew that it couldn't last. Le sigh...I'm so ready for summer! I should learn to be grateful for the days that I have...not wish for different. Take Care...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Spring Musings and Thoughts on Life

So finally Spring has arrived! This Utah winter was the toughest that I have ever been through. It just kept going and going. I have to say that I did not really enjoy it and even grumbled and threatened to move a few time. Honestly, I have to say that I miss Alabama weather very much so. It snowed last week, that's right snowed in May and I have to say I was quite bitter about it.

The flowers are finally blooming in Utah and I think I have convinced my husband to plant one of my favorite trees whenever we can. It's called a tulip magnolia tree and I first saw it planted by the Birmingham Alabama temple. It's a beautiful tree that blooms in the spring with these gorgeous pink and white blooms. The funny thing about a long hard winter is that it helps you appreciate the spring all the more. I feel so blessed to be able to see Utah thaw out.

I want to offer my thoughts and prayers for the two enormous tragedies that occurred in Asia recently. The cyclone that hit Myanmar caused so much damage to an already impoverished people. I truly hope that their government will step up and allow international aid. I also want to offer my condolences to those unfortunate people in China. With all the China bashing that has been going on before the Olympics it was really easy to forget that they are people. I read a story on MSNBC speaking about parents grieving for their children and I guess that's when the epiphany hit me. It's so easy as a person to get so wrapped up in patriotism and stereotypes fed to us by society that we begin to believe that we are the only ones with the human emotions. When that is just not the case. We are all indelible spirits that love. I think that is what should matter most, love and families. How can we think people are THAT different from us if we all love?

So in closing I want to share a secret that really sparked my imagination. This has inspired me to make my life treat my life with a sense of wonder and to share it with those that I love best.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Being Happy

I just want to talk today about being happy. Those who knows me know that I sometimes struggle with the blues; especially after 2007. But I have made a decision, I am going to be happy. I have an amazing life! I am married to an amazing man. A man who calls his parents...at home...and when they answer asks if they are home. ;) I have a great home that is so cute and pretty and just perfect for us. I have wonderful friends, without them I have no idea where I would be. Life Is Good! So all of you who know and love me, help me to be more upbeat and enthusiastic. Who says that you have to grow up to be a cynic?

I have been reading the Work and the Glory series by Gerald Lund. I really enjoy these books, they are very different from my usual fair. They are books based on the restoration of the gospel, a sort of historical fiction that weaves in a family through the beginning of the restoration and through the Mormon history. This book has helped my faith really come alive. Learning about the time period has helped me to understand the hardships of the restoration. I hope that if the time should ever come that I will have the faith of those described in this narrative.
Ryan is working night shift this week. I miss him so and it seems that we are never to be comfortable either sleeping with each other or without. I think its funny cause when we sleep alone we sleep on the same side of the bed...well I sleep on his. It makes me miss him less. Hopefully we will still get to see each other some today. I lover him so. We got to drive to Mt. Pleasant together yesterday, a 3 hr round trip, and just spending that time with him reinforces how much I love and cherish him. He's a character for sure and we just fit together for sure. Just look at him, how could you not love that!!

Finally I wanted to leave you with this quote. Imagine life if none of us would forget what we are capable of...

I want to be famous in the way a pulley is famous,or a buttonhole, not because it did anything spectacular,but because it never forgot what it could do.— Naomi Shihab Nye, "Famous"

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New Job and book reviews.

To all those waiting on the edge of your seats, I have a new job. It's with Practical People Services in Orem. I really enjoy it. I provide HR expertise (well hopefully soon anyway) to clients from CA mostly. The work is really satisfying and it's a good leg up in my career. I like helping people and that's what I get to do all day long!

So Ryan has been out of town for the past 9 days now. Let me tell you, it is not fun when you have been married for less than 2 months and then he has to go out of town. Of course my heart goes out to those people in the military where this is their life. Well Ry has been in Denver and I have had to occupy my time. So I reverted back to my teenage self. I have read about 6 books (2 of them twice). So here are my thoughts about the most memorable.

Killing Time by Caleb Carr

I really enjoy Caleb Carr novels. Well I own two so that says something. He writes believable American Historical Fiction. In the Alienest and The Angel of Darkness he was able to weave these larger than life historical figures such as Teddy Roosevelt (one of my fav. presidents) and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the women's rights leader. I have read them multiple times and re read them about once a year (two or three for Angel of Darkness, its that good). So considering this literary foundation I approached Killing Time with great hope. This novel is completely different however. It is based in the future, which is once again very appealing. Carr's view of the future is surprisingly depressing and very relevant in this time. Being written in 1999 though, I am sure that he had an inkling of this time as well. The book was interesting...but the end seemed hurried like he had grown weary of his literary creation. All in all I was disappointed in the lack of depth given to the characters and the almost too neat conclusion to the book. Though his thoughts on the freedom of information is fascinating and something to give consideration to.

Brother Odd by Dean Koontz

I am such a fan of Odd Thomas. With this character Koontz has created a friend, a person that reaches into the reader and touches something good and pure. Odd Thomas is what solidified my respect for Koontz who publishes many books. In this latest installment Koontz explored in greater detail Odd's love for the weak, the abused, and the helpless. I love Odd Thomas. Koontz writing is at its best when a main character that you can love is at the helm of the plot. The Face and Life Expectancy is two other characters that you can love. I would suggest the Odd Thomas series and these others to anyone. The best thing about books written by Koontz is that you know that good is going to triumph and often with panache, wit, and hope.

Ok so I ended writing many things about those two books. The others that I read were still great but not as memorable. Some honorable mentions are Beauty bu Sheri Tepper and The Oracle Glass (which I am not finished with) by Judith Merkle Riley. Both have strong female lead characters and I happen to have read Beauty about 10 times.

Life is so good right now. My new ward is finally starting to unfreeze just a little. I have started meeting people in my Relief Society. And I have been called as a visiting teacher which will be a big help in meeting people. I miss my husband. The tenants moved out from downstairs so its literally been me and Goliath (my Shitztsu). Ry gets home tomorrow so please put good thoughts out there that he will arrive safe and early :)

For your delight here is another wedding pic created by Brie !! Until next time

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Changes Are A Happenin To Me

So My life has undergone some major changes lately! I got married on March 7th, 2008 to the man of my dreams. (gag) Ok back to reality. Married life has been wonderful and I don't doubt that I did the right thing. I mean look at him.

Could I love him more! :P Hey! He asked for it. Being married has been awesome. We really do fit together and get along very well. Our honeymoon in balmy St. George was great too! I really enjoyed seeing other parts of Utah and was really happy that I got to spend a whole week just me and him. It was lovely.

Other changes, I am no longer working at ZYTO. Yeah that pretty much sucks. I worked there for a week after my honeymoon and was pulled in by three members of the senior management who all have been there less time than me and told me that my department was being outsourced. Outsourcing sucks!! And that they had no room for me anymore so with a semi-generous severance paskage I left ZYTO.

Fast forward to today, I have found a job. It looks to be a great job and one that I can springborad into a lot of other things. I really want to find time and take some writing courses. My time with ZYTO has shown me that I love to create and writing may be my medium. I don't expect to be crazy famous or anything but it is something that I love. So I want to develop it. I guess my blog would be a good place to start ;) Of course to be a serious writer i must refrain from using smileys. :P Ooops.

I start my new position tomorrow morning. I'm not really that nervous yet. I think I will make a good fit. I seem to hit it off well with the English because now two of my employers have been from Great Britain. I will be a human resource representative to people in California. Its a steady growing job that I am sure I will enjoy for years to come. (Hopefully)

I am going to closes by adding a few more pictures from my wedding. I haven't gotten the "official" pictures yet but I am sure that they are coming soon!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's Almost Here

K Guys so here is my awesome invite! You are totally invited!! The reception is going to be fun! I have approximately ten days until I become Jessica A. McGraw. I have to say that I am supremely grateful and humbled by how awesome my life is. See him, isn't he just so so cute!! And let me jsut tell you how patient he is. He puts up with all my issues and still comes back for more. I could not imagine a better eternal companion. :) Ok before I get mushy...

I had my bachelorette party Friday nite! It was so much fun, my friends and I would spend a bachelorette party talking about politics and religion. I have to say that I am the most blessed person to have such great friends. Even tho I will never be able to eat bubbliscious again without thinking about it...I had so much fun.

So keep me in your prayers and soon I will post Bridals that I got last week :) Most were pretty good but to give you a hint it was very very snowy...ill even include some of the what was i thinking shots. ;)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Engagement Pics

Hi!! I wanted to share with you some of our engagement pictures!! So here they are...
This is at centennial park in American Fork. Its amazing what little gems you find on the off-roads. Its so gorgeous.

Notice how proud he is!! He's a cutie...and i have to say it pretty darn strong.

Ok well there are a lot more but I don't want to bore! You will have to wait to see the invites!! :D

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Ok Ok I know that its been awhile but I have some pretty big news. I am Engaged!! K, so I've been engaged for a while but haven't had the opportunity to write about it. I'm so happy and well very scared. It's not my first rodeo and it's so much harder and scarier the second time around. Here's a pick of the ring but it is a blue sapphire not a pink one.

Isn't it beautiful. I love it. I'm looking at it right now and *sigh* he did a really good job. So the story behind it ws that Ry and I talked about marriage every now and then but it was his parents that put us on the spot by asking our plans. Well, honestly we didn't have any but later that night we talked it through and set a date. :) So we went to look for rings and found this one. I absolutely fell in love. But Ry said that it would be a really long time until he could get it.

Then about a week and a half later Ry came home demanding to go on a walk to "our" bench in Adventureland Park in Highland. That's a 6 mile round-trip walk and I had already worked out twice but I love going on walks with Ryan. It's how we fell in love in the first place so how could I refuse? After a long long walk we made it to our bench and almost immediately Ry was on one knee. I don't remember is exact words, but what I remember is him saying "I love you so much, Jessica and I want to spend the rest of eternity with you, whould you marry me?" Of course I said yes. He's so charming :P

Well after we were engaged he left for Denver, Colorado for 20 days then we headed to Alabama. I promise that I will write more about the Alabama trip soon.