Second HUGE announcement is that Ry found a permanent job! Ok, so it's temporary for 90 days but after that it could be permanent. It's at an American Fork company called Twin Labs and he does maintenance on their capsule making machines and pretty much around the whole facility. They have him working some crazy hours right now. He works 6 PM to 6AM seven days a week. We miss him terribly at home, but we know that this is only temporary and feel such gratitude for such a steady job in this economy. I am so grateful for my hardworking hubby and love him so so much!
Rory is growing faster every day. She is now 6 months old and can sit up by herself. She is now the proud owner of two teeth. She weighs 18.6 and is 28 inches tall. She laughs all the time now and is such a great joy to her father and I.
Finally I want to share my gratitude for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We had stake conference last weekend and the adult session focused heavily on family history. The church has released a new familysearch website to help people like me who do not have much to go on. I can't wait until I can start exploring this resource and aid in "gathering my family safely in."