Wednesday, July 1, 2009


It's been a few weeks since I last posted. Life has been so blissfully busy that I couldn't tear myself away. Rory is doing fantastic. We went to California when she was three weeks old, it was a big surprise trip for us. We didn't decide to go until 9PM the night before. It was a madhouse trying to pack everything for Loralei and ourselves and thankfully we did a good job. Cali was phenominal, I am so truly blessed to have a great family of in-laws who love Rory so good and let us mooch on their fabulous trip. I can now say I have been on the beach on both coast of the country as well as the Gulf of Mexico. It was fantastic I went to Disney Land and rode two rides, hey it was an accomplishment for a 3 weeks out from a c section and nursing Rory every three hours! My favorite part of the trip was the beach it was so beautiful. Here's a picture.

Life after the trip has been so great! Rory has topped ten pounds and learning to gurgle and coo. She is just the love of my life :). I made a slide show of Life after Baby and I'll keep adding to it as we go along. This Sunday is Rory's baby blessing and we went along with Abby and baby Xander to have a blessing outfit photoshoot. I'm so excited to see the pics and they will be posted soon!

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