Friday, October 8, 2010

Gratitude and Joy

Last Weekend was General Conference.  I loved loved LOVED it!  It was the spiritual recharge that I needed.  I am so grateful that I have found this Gospel!  I have many favorite talks but my absolute favorite was from the beloved prophet Thomas S. Monson.  It was his talk on The Divine Gift of Gratitude.  You can find it here.  I needed to hear this!  I needed to hear how I should stop focusing on the thing I don't have and put more stock in what I do have.  In contemplating this post all week I keep coming back to the realization that I had some time ago.  I have everything I have ever wanted! 

That sounds like I'm being facetious but of all the things I have ever begged the Divine for I have.  I didn't have a strong family growing up.  My biological mother and father split up before I could remember then together.  Then my mother married a man that made it impossible for her to keep custody of me.  I was put in foster care until they located mt father in another state.  The family drama didn't end there.  Life with my father and his wife, my step-mother was incredibly dysfunctional  and I grew up not really believing that anyone loved me or thought I was worthwhile.  Through all of that I prayed and hoped and dreamed that things would be different one day.  That I would be able to have a ton of kids and a wonderful husband and we would have a life like the Cosby show. 

I'm older now and I know that life is harder than portrayed in a sitcom.  However,  I have my family.  The route that I've taken to get it has been far different than I imagine but I am married to a wonderful man who loves his family more than he loves himself.  Being married to him is such an honor because he's amazing, sexy, and loving.  We're happy and we're in love.  I couldn't ask for more.  My daughter Loralei is a ball of wonder who I love without measure.  To be her mother is the greatest blessing and honor I could ever hope achieve.

This was the point of President Monson's talk.   For everyone to look around and be grateful for the people who make life worth living and to forget the things that only provide false temporary happiness and to not let your gratitude for those people to go unsung.  I'm so grateful for my family and the Gospel that let's us be a forever family.

For personal news, Ry is back to his usual schedule.  Still two jobs but with some time in between and much more sleep.  It's funny how this crazy schedule seems to be normal now.  Loralei is increasing her vocabulary by leaps and bounds.  It's amazing how much she understands.  I've finished the last book of the Fablehaven series and I have to say I LOVE FABLEHAVEN.  Give it a read it's good...that good!  This will be a post without pics but I will make up for it next time!  Be well! 

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