I have to say that I love the ebb and flow of this pregnancy. Week 33 was tough I didn't think I could make it much longer and I was so scared that my negativity would bring these babies around earlier than they needed to be. I did survive to week 34 and this week has been much easier. My body has adjusted to the new weight and as long as I don't do too much (i.e. anything at all) I'm fairly comfortable and my contractions are at a minimum.
I had an official ultrasound at my doctor's office this week. The babies are still measuring ahead of their gestational age by a few days. Baby A is 4 pounds and 13 ounces and Baby B is 5 pounds and 9 ounces. This is of course plus or minus half a pound. Loralei and my mother-in-law and sister-in-law came to the ultrasound and it was special to share that with them. I love seeing my baby especially in better resolution than the portable ultrasound machine at the hospital. We got some really cute shots of Baby A who is no longer engaged, yes she managed to claw and squirm her way out of my pelvis and is now sitting transverse right along my pelvis. We got some cute pictures of her little face and she looks so much like Loralei. I cannot wait to find out what these girls look like.
I started my non stress tests (NSTs) a couple of weeks ago but only lately has the girls decided to be difficult and really make it stressful. I was at Labor and Delivery for two hours on Friday to try to get Baby B to be still long enough to get a reliable lead on her heart rate. The nurse was holding the lead on my stomach and really digging it in and then the Baby got the hiccups. The nurse literally threw up her hands and stormed out saying "We will never get anything now!" I have to laugh because it seems like these girls are taking after their parents in the difficult department. I have since returned for another NST and we have discovered that I must me on my right side and practically on my head to get a good lead but the girls look great! It only took about and hour and 15 minutes for a 20 minute lead on the girls.
I'm hoping to keep these girls in for at least a few more weeks. I have a few goals in mind that are coming up close. First December 1st, I mean hey that's Thursday and I will officially made it to 35 weeks and to the designated month of their birth. After that it's to Dec 8th and then anything more is just gravy.
Please pray and send good thoughts my way, I may be catching a cold which would really bite right about now. Take Care.
WIS, WWA | Did I eat pancakes??
2 days ago
1 comment:
I still want them to come on the 10th but at the same time any time now would be great as you can only do nothing for so long... of course growing two people is not really nothing... let's be honest.
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